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Home Onshore More about the B.C. experience Diverse homestays

Diverse homestays

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Canada is a diverse country, with multiculturalism built into its Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Homestay families reflect this diversity, allowing students to experience a variety of cultures, foods, and customs. They may be two-parent or single-parent families, and may or may not have children, or pets.

When you come to B.C., you may find the food quite different from what you are used to. Talk to your host family about foods you like and foods you don’t like. However, food is an important part of any culture and you should be prepared to try what your homestay family eats.

Although it is not the same for all families, breakfast is often a lighter meal, lunch is packed at home and taken to school, and dinner is the main meal and the largest meal of the day.

You may be expected to prepare your own breakfast, and possibly pack your own lunch for school each day.

Chore = A routine task/job, especially a household one

When you live with a homestay family, you should think of yourself as a member of that family. That means you will take part in family life, which may include helping out with family chores.

Chores are small jobs that need to be done regularly around the family home such as cleaning up the kitchen, loading and unloading the dishwasher, cleaning up one’s own bedroom, and taking out the garbage or recycling.

Helping with cooking is a great way to spend time with your host family and participate in one of the more enjoyable chores.

B.C. has developed guidelines that explain the roles and responsibilities of homestay families, students, and schools.

The guidelines are translated into 14 languages so that you and your parents may understand what to expect if you live in a homestay.

Read the B.C. Homestay Guidelines to find out more information about key responsibilities and expectations while in a homestay. Remember that your homestay family can act as an important source of information and support. If you must seek medical treatment, for example, it might be a good idea to ask one of your homestay family members to accompany you.