Graduation program
In order to receive the B.C. Certification of Graduation (Dogwood Diploma), students must earn at least 80 course credits and complete the Provincial Graduation Assessments in numeracy and literacy to graduate. Of these 80 credits:
52 credits are required from the following:
- Physical and Health Education 10 (4 credits).
- Science 10 (4 credits), and a Science 11 or 12 (4 credits).
- Social Studies 10 (4 credits), and a Social Studies 11 or 12 (4 credits).
- A Math 10 (4 credits), and a Math 11 or 12 course (4 credits).
- A Language Arts 10, 11, and a required 12 course (4 credits required at each Grade, 12 credits total).
- An Arts Education 10, 11, or 12 and/or an Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 10, 11, or 12 (4 credits total).
- Career-Life Education (4 credits), and Career-Life Connections (4 credits).
At least 28 credits must be elective course credits.
At least 16 credits must be at the Grade 12 level, including a required Language Arts 12 course and the Career-Life Connections course.
In addition, students must also complete three Provincial Graduation Assessments:
- Grade 10 Literacy Assessment;
- Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment; and
- Grade 12 Literacy Assessment. (Beginning in the 2021/22 school year.)